July 1, 2022 Dwight(Ike) & Mamie Eisenhower were wed.
July 4, 1826
July 4, 1831
July 4, 1872
John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died.
James Monroe died.
Calvin Coolidge was born.
July 6, 1921
July 6, 1946
Nancy Reagan( nee Anne Frances Robbins) was born.
George W. Bush was born.
July 7, 1946 Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter were married
July 8, 1957
July 8,2011
July 8, 1891
Grace Coolidge died.
Betty Ford died.
Warren and Florence Harding were married.
July 9, 1850
Zachary Taylor died.
July 10, 1889
Julia Tyler died.
July 11, 1767
John Quincy Adams was born.
July 12, 1849
Dolley Madison died.
July 14, 1913
Gerald Ford (nee was Leslie King) was born.
July 16, 1882
Mary Lincoln died.
July 21, 1864
Frances (nee Folsom) Cleveland was born.
July 23, 1885
Ulysses Grant died.
July 24,1862
Martin Van Buren died.
July 25, 1775
Anna (nee Tuthill) was born.
July 26, 1797
John Quincy & Louisa Adams were married
in London.
July 28, 1929
Jackie (nee Bouvier) Kennedy was born.
July 31, 1875
Andrew Johnson, the only former
President elected as Senator died after a
bief return to the Senate.
Aug. 2, 1923
Warren Harding suddenly died in office.
Aug. 4, 1961
Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii.
Aug. 6, 1861
Aug. 6, 1914
Edith (Carrow) Roosevelt was born.
Ellen Wilson died while she was First Lady.
Aug. 10, 1874 Herbert Hoover was born.
Aug. 14, 1852
Margaret Taylor died.
Aug. 15, 1860
Florence (Kling) Harding was born.
Aug. 18, 1927
Eleanor Rosalynn (Smith) Carter qas born.
Aug. 19, 1946
Wikkiam Jefferson Clinton was born.
Aug. 20, 1833
Benjamin Harrison was born.
Aug. 22, 1848
Ulysses and Julia Grant were married.
Aug. 27, 1908
Lyndon Baines Johnson was born.
Aug. 28, 1831
Lucy (Webb) Hayes was born.